Almost a month…

…has gone by; I’ve been somewhat busy. Here’s what’s been going on outside, in wall-to-wall sunshine interspersed with monsoon-like showers:


July: fruit starting to ripen…

See what a difference a month makes:


August: almost there!

and the roses have stopped for now. If you look closely at the first picture, you will also see blackberries in the corner. Being picked & eaten now! The figs are also ripening one by one:


A fig beginning to ripen…

The day-lilies are still romping away:


Day-lilies screening a potato patch…

and their slightly-later-flowering cousins the Montbretias are making ready to steal the show, here from the Enchanter’s Nightshade:


That’s probably not a Great Crested Newt…

Some more of the Poundland bulbs:


Some kind of Gladioli?

What a fabulous investment they have been! But better still, this little beauty was hauled out of a skip at the Household Recycling Centre, for free:


Definitely a Hydrangea…







These are generally available for free too:


“Plain” ordinary Buddleia…

But I don’t feel guilty for having spent £2 at the market on three massive pots of Bizzie Lizzies, when it became evident that my window box plants sadly hadn’t survived the desert-like conditions caused by my forgetting to water them…


£1.33-worth of Bizzie Lizzies!

Hoping for some foraging time shortly; it’s time to make some jam!

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