Fallen behind…

Well, I have fallen very far behind with this! I’ve been utterly, frantically busy, preparing for a big show and trying to find some room in the house to fit a returning offspring and his young lady into. But I have still been taking pictures, just not finding the time to post them. Here’s a quick catch-up from the last month:


A Poundland lily!

Some of the wonderfully-inexpensive bulbs from Poundland have come into their own now: pink day lilies clash amazingly with a garden full of standard orange ones! But the alliums are a good foil for both colours:


I wonder if we can eat it?

I have no idea what these pretty things are, but I evidently chose the right container for them:


Some kind of cornflower, maybe?

The cherries are coming thick & fast, round the front. It’s a job to beat the birds to them!


A feast for the eyes as well as the mouth…

And the late-summer flowers are bursting out all over too; what do they know that we don’t?


Two blowsy beauties dancing the can-can in the border…






But these Phormiums are by far the most striking flowers in the garden just now:


Phormium flowers close-to…


…and in situ.






To give you some idea just how big these are, the lilac behind is a good 15′ tall, and the phormium flower spikes tower over it – impressive!

I am away doing the show for most of next week. If I get the chance, I will post an update before I go. If not, it’ll happen once I’m back and have had a chance to catch up on some sleep!